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Startup branding: How to invest smartly + why Webflow?

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Rea Terzin
Last updated on
Apr 4, 2024
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Statistics show that first-time business owners have an 18% chance of success with their startup.

Startups across industries invest in startup branding services, aiming to be among the few successful ventures out of the 137,000 launched daily.

Think you've got a knack for the match?

How about discovering one thing that will make your brand great? Authenticity.

A visual representation of powerful branding showcasing how consumers can recall perceptions about the brand without even seeing actual branding assets.

We're willing to bet you see an opportunity for yourself to succeed, but you're still afraid of the investment risks. And that's normal.

This guide will answer some questions that bother almost every startup owner.

You'll learn why Webflow for startups is now popular when it comes to startup branding. You’ll also find some useful tips on how to find a reliable agency to stand out amid ever-increasing startups.


  • Startup branding strategy entails making deliberate decisions about brand messaging and visual elements and defining how the brand will be positioned and perceived in the market.
  • Any startup can avoid investment risks, start with a smaller budget, and scale step-by-step if it chooses reliable startup branding services smartly.
  • Full-service Webflow agencies usually consist of developers, designers, and art directors who collaborate to infuse startup brands with their personality and purpose in a competitive market.

Startup Branding Meaning

Startup branding is a complex process that develops a unique startup identity to create a unified experience and better return on investment (ROI). It includes strategies for crafting brand logos, messages, and other visual identity elements that lead to effective brand positioning.

Still remember the image above?

I'm sure that upon seeing the image for the first time, you could recall emotions and form overall perceptions about these memorable brands, even without encountering actual branding assets (e.g., logo design).

That is called brand awareness—it embodies the concept of the true meaning of branding.

A visual representation of powerful branding assets.

So, great brands must be perceived as live (and relived) assets.

Brand recognition is how consumers identify the brand. This concept contains a memorable brand name, colors, logos, and other branding symbols.

Now, let's see why startup branding is important.

Is Branding Important for a Startup?

Startup branding is important because it creates an instant impression and sets the stage for a richer brand experience.

Brands strive for trustworthiness.

Building a startup brand from the ground up is an exciting but equally demanding process.

A quote from the official Arena site explaining the essence of branding and its significance.

A reliable branding agency for startups can help startups build a trustworthy brand and benefit from recurring revenue step-by-step.

Take our recent startup branding work for Hosea, for example.

As with other successful startup brands, Hosea doesn't overwhelm people with too many colors or vague messaging. Above the fold, the branding message empowers sustainable living conditions for household members.

The wordmark logo is derived from the powerful name of the brand.

The primary typeface is Object Sans, which derives inspiration from a modern type family blending the finest attributes of Swiss neo-grotesques and geometric fonts—just like geometrical patterns in architecture.

Hosea’s brand logo design.

In addition to the logo, lockups were created for social media purposes.

Hosea’s lockups for social media purposes.

Sending the right branding message to customers is the attention-grabbing key to driving startup growth.

And here is another startup example.

This example includes the older and the newest website versions.

Here is the older:

Screenshot of Flychain's previous homepage design.

And here is the newest version:

Screenshot of Flychain's new homepage design.

The power of design is such that it can mean the difference between a very successful user experience and one that fails to make a significant impact.

That being said, what has been improved in the latest Flychain startup website example?

  1. Modern rebrand to grab attention and reflect the startup's future mission and vision to thrive and dominate its industries.
  2. Better converting site to attract and convert a higher client base and create the most positive impression.
  3. Highly-performing site to ensure excellent user experience and support conversion rate growth.

Several factors can contribute to users abandoning your startup website, including confusing navigation, inconsistent design elements, a cluttered layout, and sluggish response times.

So, is branding crucial for startups? Yes, without a doubt.

Now, let’s see how to build a brand in two ways.

2 Ways to Do Startup Branding

There are two simple ways for startups to start with branding, and we recommend the first one.

Here they are:

1. Choose a Reliable Webflow Agency and Invest Smartly

The best way to start with the branding is to choose a reliable Webflow agency.

Here are the main advantages to going that route:

  • You can avoid the long-term commitments associated with hiring in-house branding agencies or freelancers.
  • You can start with a smaller budget and scale step-by-step.
  • You can enjoy peace of mind with full-time support at your disposal.

Here is an overview of how startups can scale by choosing a reliable subscription-based Webflow agency:

An infographic comparing the level of investment risks for startups: traditional vs. subscription models.

An infographic showcases the level of investment risk when working with traditional 50% upfront and 50% after-launch models and subscription-based (our) solutions.

Note: In this example, we denote $30,000 (50% upfront) + $30,000 (50% after-launch) in relation to traditional models. Conversely, $12,000 (first month) + $12,000 (second month) + $12,000 (third month) + $12,000 (fourth month), etc., represents subscription-based models.

The biggest pain points for startups include wasting money on projects and design services that won’t benefit their business model in the long run.

Yet, startups often underestimate how quickly capital and other financial resources get spent.

The solution you will take to solve this pain point should always be based on your current situation and needs. And you truly desire every penny to be used wisely to avoid operational difficulties.

So, setting clear goals right from the start helps prevent frivolous spending. The initial step involves managing a budget.

That’s where we come in.

With our flexible and predictable pricing, we help you run your dream project right off the ground.

That means you won’t ever pay 50% upfront and 50% after launch. In other words, we adjust the price not only based on your project size but also on your current needs.

If you are experiencing a sudden decrease in your budget, simply cancel or pause your subscription and save money for the next cycle.

Comparing the cost and quality of services you get in a specific time span can save significantly on costs over time. Above all else, you can regularly review overhead costs and look for areas of improvement.

We'll explain in more detail why investing in Webflow services is a great option to scale your early-stage startup branding as we go.

2. Do it Yourself

Funding is a pain point that almost every startup faces. But managing everything all at once? It seems like equally the same problem.

However, by addressing these pain points, startups can increase their chances of long-term success and lay the foundation for growth.

Therefore, startups must invest in brand startup agencies to handle their branding and make their lives easier.

Now it's time to dive into the branding steps.

6-Step Startup Branding Process with Webflow

Brand design comprises elements like logo design, colors, and typography that present your brand to your audiences.

Here's how top digital branding agencies usually go through a branding process using Webflow.

An easy-to-read layout showcasing the essential steps of startup branding process using Webflow.

Here are all the steps explained in detail:

1. Step: Discovery

In the initial phase of brand development—known as discovery—branding experts delve into understanding the startup's objectives and its competitive landscape.

Through research and analysis, they gain insights for crafting a design brief outlining clear and measurable branding objectives. By identifying target markets and understanding ideal customers' needs, startups can gain a competitive edge.

Designers further enhance this process by segmenting consumers and creating detailed customer profiles.

This understanding of the target audience empowers startups to align their brand messaging and services with their customers' preferences.

For example, here is Disney's mission statement:

To create happiness for people of all ages, everywhere.

This way, brand identity takes shape and the brand narrative is effectively communicated. And each customer interaction serves as a validation of the brand's performance.

2. Step: Startup Branding Strategy

This phase involves distilling the insights gathered during discovery into actionable strategies that define how the brand will be positioned and perceived in the market.

A well-defined branding discovery phase usually paves a clear path for branding strategy.

So, the best way to develop a branding strategy is to focus on one branding solution. This requires presenting a breakdown of branding decisions and how the design functions.

Brand strategy is an all-encompassing approach that covers various aspects such as brand analysis, positioning, market research, visual language to style guide, and brand assets development.

The goal of a brand strategy is to capture consumers' attention so that a brand can grow in an oversaturated market and strengthen selling power.

3. Step: Startup Branding Identity

Branding identity entails making deliberate decisions about brand messaging, visual elements, and market positioning.

Startups can carve out a distinct identity by strategically aligning brand objectives with consumer preferences and market trends.

The brand identity encompasses everything from brand logotype, color palette, typography, and illustration to branded content.

4. Step: Brand Design

Brand experts must carefully examine every design element (e.g., logo, colors, typography, illustrations). It will appear almost everywhere—from startups branded website, social media, digital advertising campaigns, customer support interactions, etc.

That’s when the design cycle method can help.

Creating a strong visual identity is vital because these elements are one of the most memorable elements your customers will encounter.

For more information, read our article to learn about Webflow branding.

5. Step: Webflow Development

The Webflow startup agency initiates the final phase of brand-making by delving into Webflow development.

The focus shifts towards bringing the brand's vision to life.

Every element, from navigation menus to buttons and call-out forms, is crafted with utmost care to enhance user experience and drive revenue growth.

6. Step: Testing

Developers must ensure that the final website version functions through rigorous testing to drive meaningful results.

They must prioritize website speed and employ the best practices to optimize both website and branding performance.

By integrating the latest Webflow techniques and adhering to industry standards in speed, accessibility, and SEO, Webflow experts are able to empower startup brands with a robust digital presence that stands the test of time.

Finally, here is why you need to invest in a reliable Webflow agency for startups.

Justifying Investing in Webflow Startup Agency

Launching your startup requires full support from leadership, which will help you achieve your primary goals. Instead of investing in unreliable agencies, be clearer about your goals when it comes to investment areas.

Take a look at what you get when you invest in a full-service Webflow agency:

Investing in Webflow Branding for Startups

Webflow agency usually consists of designers and art directors who help you infuse your brand with your personality. Startup authenticity resonates with the right audiences and helps create a meaningful connection.

Here is one startup example.

Imagine how healthcare providers get immediate cash for insurance claims.

That's what Flychain startup strives for.

A screenshot showcasing startup branding assets for Flychain.

Their brand identity is deeply rooted in upfront claim payments, credit lines, and flexible financing for big expenses.

Investing in Webflow Design for Startups

Leading with a great design (e.g., logo design, brand identity design, visual language) and a strong online presence will allow people to find your startup more easily.

They will get to know who you are through your Webflow website.

By prioritizing design elements that drive lead generation and sales, startups can maximize their online presence and revenue potential.

All of these design components will improve startups chances of finding investors.

Investing in Webflow SEO for Startups

Webflow is an intuitive website builder that is an excellent choice for search engine optimization to boost brand visibility.

For more information about how Webflow and SEO stack together, read our Webflow SEO guide.

First, Webflow sites are fast and pass core web vitals, which are essential.

As Google Search Central reveals: "We highly recommend site owners achieve good Core Web Vitals for success with Search and to ensure a great user experience generally.”

Yet Webflow SEO experts manage metadata in Webflow with ease. They can also help startups scale their optimized content to increase credibility.

You want to see a positive impact and increase visibility, without waiting for 6+ months to see the ranking results, right?

Take for instance, our Webflow website.

Our website is relatively new, with the new version launching in February and the blog following suit in March 2024, with 7 blogs being published so far.

And here is how we progressed at improving our SEO in a matter of one month:

SemRush screenshot displaying the growing trend of top-ranking keywords, highlighting the valuable results of SEO content services in Webflow.

These are the keywords for which our domain increased (+311,11%) the most in the selected time period. Also, remember that on March 5th, Google announced the first core Google Update of 2024.

Often, startups who want to invest in content services, hire freelancers to start creating SEO content. However, hiring freelancers can be a demanding process, often resulting in time-consuming and unreliable costs.

Therefore, a full-service Webflow agency the best option for scaling startups. It contains all kinds of experts under one roof—designers, developers, SEO, and brand experts.

And thanks to Webflow's user-friendly interface, it simplifies their workflow, making their SEO tasks more manageable. Content experts who excel in SEO can get a startup's Webflow website on the first page of Google for a target keyword.

Don't think twice about whether this is worth your investment or not.

Investing in Webflow Development for Startups

Webflow developers possess expertise in building and maintaining websites using low-code knowledge.

This means they can create and manage complex web solutions without extensive coding, saving time and resources for startups.

Moreover, Webflow developers test different design and development variations to ensure optimal website performance.

This approach to Webflow development guarantees startups a robust and reliable online platform that will eventually lead to impressive results.

What to Look for When Choosing a Webflow Startup Agency?

Remember all these factors as a checklist of things to pay attention to while choosing a Webflow agency for startups.

  • Impressive portfolio

Look for a Webflow agency with a diverse portfolio, but also consider whether their work aligns with your needs. This will give you insight into the range of Webflow experts' capabilities and help you make an informed decision.

  • Clear communication

Choose a Webflow team that communicates clearly, listens to your needs, and provides frequent updates. They will keep you informed every step of the way.

  • Pricing transparency

A great agency will provide a detailed breakdown of costs upfront, allowing you to better manage your finances. Therefore, avoid those that provide surprise fees, which can lead to budgetary issues.

  • High-quality work

Look for a team that consistently delivers high-quality work with attention to detail. Review their client testimonials to grasp the essence of their past projects and ensure that they align with your standards.

  • Handling desired timeframe

Discuss your project timeline and ensure that your desired Webflow agency can proactively manage timelines. A reliable startup branding agency will have the capacity to meet deadlines without compromising on quality.

Who Needs To Invest in Startup Branding Services?

One of the great things about starting a startup is that you can offer any service you like and extend your business ideas beyond the ordinary.

Yet your brilliant vision risks remaining a mere thought if you are not ready to invest in branding, website design and development services.

With that being said, there are different types of startups you can consider before starting your own and organizing your investment plans.

Here are the most common types of startups:

Visual representation of all types of startups that need to invest in startup branding services.

Small Business Startups

Everyone who dreams of becoming a full-time boss wants to run a small business startup. This includes developing a new product or service or turning great ideas into realities.

Educational content or activities, plant-based food solutions, local grocery delivery service are some small business examples.

Top-notch startup websites craft digital spaces in a detail-oriented manner to define their identity and brand message, driving startup growth.

Large Company Startups

Large companies, like Apple or Amazon, opt to develop revolutionary products or services that require continuous innovation.

People recognize these companies on a global level.

That being said, large company startups need to invest in design and development services to embrace product/service innovation.

Scalable Startups

Scalable startups, like Facebook or Uber, boost potential for global expansion. These ventures leverage cutting-edge technology to access vast markets worldwide.

They seek substantial investments, and unlike small businesses, scalable startups prioritize exponential expansion and aim to scale their operations strategically. And developing a recognizable brand is their utmost priority.

Buyable Startups

Buyable startup founders create the business model from scratch to sell it to a bigger company later. Giants also tend to buy small startups to develop them over time and receive income.

In contrast to scalable startups, founders of buyable startups may seek out just one or two major funds to accelerate their growth.

Social Startups

A social startup (i.e., social impact startup), like a non-profit organization, is an emphasized-oriented venture committed to contributing to environmental, cultural, and/or other social issues.

Rather than being driven by profit, a social startup is committed to helping people and driving real impact. This startup type must have clear branding to empower better opportunities for people who need help.

Lifestyle Startups

Individuals with a goal to turn their passion into a sustainable livelihood are those who establish a lifestyle startup.

E-commerce sites dedicated to fashion, fitness training programs, and health engagement tools are all examples of lifestyle startups. And they can't live without digital branding.

No matter which type of startup you belong to, creating an unforgettable branding experience that resonates with your customers requires a careful and consistent branding process. That being said, you must invest in digital branding services.


The startup branding process is not easy.

Achieving a strong branding presence isn't simple either. And every brand desires to be recognized effortlessly.

Like this:

Powerful brands that are recognized effortlessly.

Hiring reliable services that offer branding for startups is challenging, too.

But avoid the noise and follow our steps to finding a reliable Webflow agency. Or simply speed up your process and startup efforts by partnering with us. We offer the most impactful branding solutions for startups, and you can check our work here.

Make your decision, choose a startup branding package that meets your needs and great results will compound step-by-step.

You ask. We answer.

About the author
Rea Terzin
Rea is a versatile SEO writer with over 4 years of experience. At Nube, she devotes a high degree of attention to content focused on Webflow and design to establish topical authority in this field.

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