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Webflow logo explained (no more concerns)

Let’s get something straight: You won’t download any Webflow logo here. In this blog post, we’ll answer all the questions we’ve received from our clients.

Editor’s note: This post was originally written in Mar 29, 2024 and has been updated in Jan 17, 2025 to provide fresh insights into the Webflow logo, ensuring it remains as relevant as possible. Read on to learn more.

A logo that stands the test of time must reflect the designer’s craftsmanship, hard work, and passion. It must also reflect the business essence and branding message.

I sometimes even design logos in my dreams - said Allan Peters.
Gif for a blog post called Webflow Logo

Here, we’ll answer some of the most common questions, such as:

  • How do I add a logo to Webflow?
  • Is it possible to make an animated brand logo for the navbar in Webflow?
  • How to add partner logos in Webflow?

Regardless, we’ll answer to crucial Webflow logo questions that you may need urgent answers to.

Webflow logo explained

The term 'Webflow logo' doesn't refer to a logo made in Webflow; rather, it refers to a logo crafted by a designer in another platform (e.g., Figma) and integrated into the Webflow development platform.

We receive a variety of questions about the Webflow logo, some more unusual than others.

However, we'll be concentrating solely on those that are logical and relevant.

Let’s dive in.

What’s the difference between Webflow PNG and Webflow SVG?

In the context of Webflow, it's important to [.green]consider the file format for your logo[.green].

PNG is a raster format, while SVG is vector-based.

While Webflow PNGs  (Portable Network Graphics) can handle high resolutions, they have limitations on scalability.

Conversely, Webflow SVG files—being vector-based—are constructed using intricate mathematical formulas, enabling them to scale infinitely without losing resolution.

Perhaps the most fundamental difference between PNG and SVG is that one is a raster file type and the other is vector.

How do I add a logo to Webflow?

To upload your custom logo to the Webflow Editor, [.red]navigate to Site settings > Site access tab > Branding[.red], then click on [.green]'Upload logo'[.green].

upload a logo in Webflow

A screenshot showcasing how to upload a logo to Webflow.

After adding and customizing your Webflow logo, preview your Webflow website to ensure everything looks as expected. If satisfied, publish your website to see the changes live.

That's it! Your logo should now be added to your Webflow website.

You can revert to the default Webflow logo anytime by accessing [.red]Site settings > Site access tab > Branding[.red] and selecting [.red]'Reset logo.'[.red] Alternatively, you can update your custom logo by choosing [.green]'Replace logo'[.green].

A screenshot showcasing how to replace a logo in Webflow.

Is it possible to make an animated brand logo for the navbar in Webflow?

Yes, it’s possible to animate logo in Webflow.

Depending on your needs and the complexity of your logo, you can animate it using simple techniques/tools like Webflow animations, CSS, JavaScript, or GSAP.

So, here is an example of animated logo in code:

A screenshot showcasing what an animated logo looks like in Webflow.

First, we assign a class to the logo for selection. Then, we create a CSS animation and apply it to the logo's class.

The CSS can be added either in the HTML embed code editor on the page or in [.red]Site Settings > Custom Code[.red].

If you're not comfortable with CSS, you can achieve the same animation using Webflow's built-in animation features. Stefan Vaskovic, Webflow developer at Nube

And here's a step-by-step guide on how to animate a logo using Webflow's basic animation features:

1. On the right panel select the [.red]'Interactions'[.red] tab

A screenshot showcasing how to select the 'Interactions' tab in the right panel.

2. Select [.red]'Page trigger'[.red] to determine when the animation occurs.

In our example, we’ve set it to happen on page load.

A screenshot showcasing how to select the 'Page trigger' to determine when the animation occurs.

3. Decide if the animation triggers when the page starts or finishes loading.

Then click on [.green]'Start an animation’[.green].

A screenshot showcasing options to 'Start an animation’ when the page starts or finishes loading.

4. Select the element you want to animate.

Next, add the desired animation under [.green]'actions+'[.green].

In our case, we adjust the logo's visibility from 100% to 40% along the video path to achieve the desired effect. We set a duration of 1 second to moderate the animation speed.

Then, click [.green]'Done'[.green].

A screenshot showcasing the process of selecting an animated 'Element’.

5. The final step is to tick the [.green]'Loop' checkbox[.green].

This will enable the animation to repeat.

Now that you're acquired the basic principles of logo design and implementation in Webflow, it’s time to explore the realm of logo types.

So, you can advance your design skills.


After providing you with essential tips for designing a logo (based on logo types) and how to implement it in Webflow, you’re ready to stand out from the crowd.

If you are looking to build a brand and robust online presence through a Webflow site, check out these great Webflow websites and take the leap and build a strong brand with our fully managed Webflow support.

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